Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Superhero Returns

The events in Tucson, AZ earlier this month were an absolute tragedy. In no way shape or form can we stand for such reckless violence in our great country. I think for all Americans it is a time to remember that the enemies to our democratic ways of life are not only overseas, but yet also amongst us.

The memorial service that followed was many things. First off, it was necessary. It was necessary to honor the innocent civilians who lost their lives from a senseless act. The service was also inspirational. Just like Reagan after the Challenger Disaster and Bush after 9/11, Obama delivered a well-articulated final farewell to those who lost their lives and a hopeful message regarding Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) who is still fighting for hers.

However, what I will remember most from the service was the rowdy, campaign-like atmosphere that ushered in the return of Obama the superhero. The location of the memorial service makes me curious. A college campus? Really? Do we need to choose the most liberal piece of land in the state of Arizona to allow our socialistic president to cast his mighty spell? Was there no convention center nearby? Was there no sports stadium available? The college students, unfortunately, had no clue how to behave at such a function, which in itself is frustrating. They clapped wildly during inappropriate times and oohed and aahed at every breath the President took.

Do I blame President Obama for the timing of this tragedy? Of course not. Do I blame him for the location of service? Again, not his doing. But here's the thing that gets me. The person we saw give that emotional speech last week was not our president, rather it was Superman Obama coming out of hibernation. It was the same person who eloquently spoke his way into our hearts, and thus the White House. It was the return of the super-human Obama who has been missing during the first two years of his presidency through health care battles and a mid-term trouncing.

My fear is this. If we allow this ourselves to fall into this trap again, if we allow ourselves to be wooed by the master of oratory then we only have ourselves to blame when President Obama becomes reelected in 2012. Was this the beginning of the re-election campaign? You betcha. Will it work? That is up to us. Will we forget the spending? Will we forget the bailouts? Will we forget the health care bill that was pushed through despite lacking the consent of the governed? I hope not, but the man sure does know how to speak.

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