Thursday, June 18, 2009

Miss California Teaches a Lesson on Tolerance

Miss California, Carrie Prejean, has been recently stripped of her title as a result of a controversial answer given at the 2009 Miss USA Pageant. Perez Hilton, an openly gay celebrity blogger, asked Prejean whether she believed that all states should legalize same-sex marriage. Prejean answered:
"Well I think it's great that Americans are able to choose one way or the other. We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage. You know what, in my country, in my family, I do believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman, no offense to anybody out there. But that’s how I was raised and I believe that it should be between a man and a woman."
So to recap, Prejean stood up for what she believed in, respectively stated her opinion when asked, and gave almost the exact answer that President Obama gave during his election campaign. It is pathetic that this answer cost Prejean the Miss USA title and eventually dethroned her as Miss California. Unfortunately everyone is so concerned with being politically correct and accepting that we forget to remember that tolerance is a two-way street. Yes, it is important to be tolerant of those who believe in same-sex marriages. However, it is just as important to be tolerant of those who do not. It does not matter if I agree with someone's views, I will still defend their right to peacefully voice their opinion under the First Amendment.

Even more troubling is Hitlon's assertion that Prejean is a "dumb bitch." Really? As a gay rights advocate you preach tolerance and political correctness and that is how you treat someone who disagrees with you? I'm pretty sure that if anyone called a gay couple "dumb bitches" then Hilton would call for their beheading. It is 2009. People have different opinions and that needs to be accepted. I think it is a travesty to the integrity of this country and the Constitution that Prejean was treated the way that she was. In a world full of violence and hatred someone actually sticks up for her own morals in a peaceful manner and gets roasted. Imagine that.

As for the same-sex marriage issue, I'm sure roughly half of the country would agree with Prejean's assessment that a marriage should be a union between a man and a woman. Heck, our liberal president feels the same way. Prejean makes a great point that in America people can choose and that is what makes our country so great. In Vermont the people voted in favor of legalizing gay marriage and it became legalized. In California the people voted against Proposition 8 (the legalization of gay marriage) and the Supreme Court upheld their decision. The issue of gay marriage is being decided by the people of each state and that is the way it ought to be.

It is unfortunate that Prejean had to lose so much, but do not let what she stood up for go to waste. It is just as important to be tolerant of those who have traditional marriage views as those who fight for the legalization of same-sex marriage. The truth of the hypocrisy of today's society is that it doesn't go both ways. A traditionalist gets blasted for respectfully stating her views while a liberal calls her a "dumb bitch" and is still viewed as a victim.

One thing I learned in school was that an opinion had no right or wrong answer. Unfortunately somehow those who run the pageant have deemed Prejean's answer as wrong.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Unfortunate Death of Tiller

On May 31, George Tiller was murdered in his own Kansas church. Tiller, known as "Tiller the Baby Killer" was one of only three late-term abortionists in the country. He was gunned down by 88-year-old Scott Roeder, an anti-abortion activist. Differences in opinion cannot be solved with brutal violence and in no way would I ever condone Roeder's actions. However, I think it is important to view the circumstances surrounding his death and evaluate the media's attempt to crown Tiller as a hero.

Fact- George Tiller openly performed abortions for women after the 21st week of labor- known as the "late term."
Fact- Tiller is one of three medical centers in the United States to perform such operations.
Fact- 36 states outlaw or restrict late term abortions.
Fact- Women have gone to Tiller for abortions in the late term for reasons such as uncomfort and wanting to play sports.

It is not fair to call Tiller an abortionist. He must be referred to as a late-term abortionist. There is a huge difference. And I am not talking about instances when the mother's life is in danger. Tiller has performed a majority of his abortions on women with casual reasons for an abortion as stated above. Many abortion activists have targeted Bill O'Reilly (FOX News personality) as inciting the violence by calling Tiller "the Baby Killer." Although O'Reilly's words may seem insensitive it is hard to get around the truth of that nickname. What else would you call someone who kills babies only weeks from being born?

This man was not a hero as reporters all over the country have tried to paint Tiller after his death. He did not save lives, he took away lives. Although this man took the lives of many, his too ended prematurely. I am saddened that differences in opinion has come to such a sad end. But do not tell me this man was a hero. He was anything but.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Letterman vs. Palin

Last week, CBS late night host David Letterman ripped Alaska Governor Sarah Palin in several unfunny jokes. Palin was visiting NYC for an autism fundraiser but that did not stop Letterman from calling her a "slutty flight attendant" and joke that her daughter got knocked up by Alex Rodriguez during a Yankee game.

Many were outraged by these degrading attempts at humor. For one, Palin was with her 14-year-old daughter, Willow, at the game rather than the true target: 18-year-old Bristol Palin. However, CBS has still not offered any sort of an apology. In fact, Letterman finally showed some sort of regret stating that he told a "bad joke" several days after the incident.

My stance on the issue is simple. I am not going to call for Letterman's resignation. He did tell a bad joke, however he was merely attempting to do his job. I am not outraged that Reverend Al Sharpton is not declaring this a civil rights issue, because it's not. I am upset with CBS. The network should have offered an apology to the Palin's and women flight attendants. They have simply given Letterman a free pass.

But why has CBS offered to sweep this one under the rug? Perhaps it was a brutal attempt to better his ratings. Letterman had been killed over the past two decades by former NBC Tonight Show host, Jay Leno. Ratings show that new Tonight Show host Conan O'Brien has maintained that lead.

I think this issue shows that the liberal media is scared of Sarah Palin because she is a strong, conservative woman. Any attempt to defile her and her family will apparently go unpunished. Since when do children of politicians get ridiculed? Have President Obama's two daughters or Chelsea Clinton ever been the brunt of jokes? Not that I can remember. Would Letterman have attacked Dems Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton with the same brutality? Probably not.

I think this is all another attempt by the liberal media to take a swipe at the Republicans without any consequences. Unfortunate.

Link to view Letterman's Apology on 6/15:

Monday, June 15, 2009

The First Post

We are witnessing one of the most critical and controversial periods of our great country's history.

Czars. Guantanamo. Letterman. Palin. Tiller. Ahmadinejad. North Korea. Stimulus. Sotomayor.

These are some of the faces and issues that are so prevalent in our world today. Unfortunately many young Americans would be hard-pressed to point out North Korea on a map and likely mistake a Sotomayor as some sort of headwear. As a college student I have witnessed my generation's unfortunate apathy and ignorance when it comes to politics and current events.

Last fall, my small college campus in Upstate New York became politically active for a short period of time. As heard on many campuses around the nation on that November night, cheers of "Obama! Obama!" rang through the air. On one hand I was thrilled that so many of my peers had decided to become political activists and champion a candidate. Regardless of the outcome, I think the 2008 Presidential Election brought my generation closer to the world they lived in.

However, another part of me wondered if an uneducated vote was one worth casting. Although I urged all of my friends to vote that day, I knew they had very little knowledge from which to cast their vote. It is no surprise that the young, articulate and charismatic Obama carried the young vote.

Clearly a change has come to Washington and this change in the long run will effect one group of people immensely. My generation, the sons and daughters of the baby boomers, are largely responsible for bringing this massive change to our nation. And in the end it will be my generation also responsible for the massive consequences this change will leave in its wake.

My goal is simple: educate, inform and encourage. I hope that I will be able to educate all people, regardless of political background. I want everyone to make informed decisions. And, most of all, I hope to encourage my generation to become active in our present time because it is also OUR FUTURE.