Monday, June 15, 2009

The First Post

We are witnessing one of the most critical and controversial periods of our great country's history.

Czars. Guantanamo. Letterman. Palin. Tiller. Ahmadinejad. North Korea. Stimulus. Sotomayor.

These are some of the faces and issues that are so prevalent in our world today. Unfortunately many young Americans would be hard-pressed to point out North Korea on a map and likely mistake a Sotomayor as some sort of headwear. As a college student I have witnessed my generation's unfortunate apathy and ignorance when it comes to politics and current events.

Last fall, my small college campus in Upstate New York became politically active for a short period of time. As heard on many campuses around the nation on that November night, cheers of "Obama! Obama!" rang through the air. On one hand I was thrilled that so many of my peers had decided to become political activists and champion a candidate. Regardless of the outcome, I think the 2008 Presidential Election brought my generation closer to the world they lived in.

However, another part of me wondered if an uneducated vote was one worth casting. Although I urged all of my friends to vote that day, I knew they had very little knowledge from which to cast their vote. It is no surprise that the young, articulate and charismatic Obama carried the young vote.

Clearly a change has come to Washington and this change in the long run will effect one group of people immensely. My generation, the sons and daughters of the baby boomers, are largely responsible for bringing this massive change to our nation. And in the end it will be my generation also responsible for the massive consequences this change will leave in its wake.

My goal is simple: educate, inform and encourage. I hope that I will be able to educate all people, regardless of political background. I want everyone to make informed decisions. And, most of all, I hope to encourage my generation to become active in our present time because it is also OUR FUTURE.


  1. Matt very well said I personally slant to the right and the only thing that I ask is that we get unbiased and slant free news which the networks today are obviously unable to deliver with their far left reporting. If you can do this and even just reach some people and give them the truth you are doing a wonderful job. At least it is known that some are willing to do what needs to be done to help this country as it goes forward.


  2. I thought the expression was if you're young and not liberal, then you don't have a heart. If you're old and not conservative, then you don't have a brain.
    So i guess my question is, is Matt Rucinski a 52 year old man? Just kidding.
    Keep up the good work.
    -Dave Lombardo
