Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Unfortunate Death of Tiller

On May 31, George Tiller was murdered in his own Kansas church. Tiller, known as "Tiller the Baby Killer" was one of only three late-term abortionists in the country. He was gunned down by 88-year-old Scott Roeder, an anti-abortion activist. Differences in opinion cannot be solved with brutal violence and in no way would I ever condone Roeder's actions. However, I think it is important to view the circumstances surrounding his death and evaluate the media's attempt to crown Tiller as a hero.

Fact- George Tiller openly performed abortions for women after the 21st week of labor- known as the "late term."
Fact- Tiller is one of three medical centers in the United States to perform such operations.
Fact- 36 states outlaw or restrict late term abortions.
Fact- Women have gone to Tiller for abortions in the late term for reasons such as uncomfort and wanting to play sports.

It is not fair to call Tiller an abortionist. He must be referred to as a late-term abortionist. There is a huge difference. And I am not talking about instances when the mother's life is in danger. Tiller has performed a majority of his abortions on women with casual reasons for an abortion as stated above. Many abortion activists have targeted Bill O'Reilly (FOX News personality) as inciting the violence by calling Tiller "the Baby Killer." Although O'Reilly's words may seem insensitive it is hard to get around the truth of that nickname. What else would you call someone who kills babies only weeks from being born?

This man was not a hero as reporters all over the country have tried to paint Tiller after his death. He did not save lives, he took away lives. Although this man took the lives of many, his too ended prematurely. I am saddened that differences in opinion has come to such a sad end. But do not tell me this man was a hero. He was anything but.

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